At least some fish

Thursday April 4th, 2013 @ 08:15 PM

amman, syria, jordan, refugee crisis, flüchtlingskrise, student, portrait, refugee, photo, jordanien, dara, daraa

Azuz just laughed when I stepped into the smoky lobby of a hostel in Amman, Jordan. He made a comment about some actor I supposingly looked similar to. I had to join his laughter. Azuz was that kind of guy you like right from the beginning without knowing why.

He jumped in two large steps to the reception area, handed me a piece of paper to fill in my details. I wrote in the line of nationality “German”, he saw that and talked away. “Hallo, wie gehts? Wo kommst du her?” Berlin, Munich, he talked alot. But no, he has never been to Germany before. He taught that himself. He then conversed with a guy from Peru in Spanish, made a comment to an Italian girl in Italian and answered his phone in Arabic. I expected him in a moment to tell a joke in Suaheli.

Instead he told his story: He came to Jordan seven months ago with 5 Dinar, equalling maybe 8 Dollars, in his pockets. He was a student from Daraa in Syria, the town where the uprising began with a couple of Graffitis on the wall. He joined the first demonstrations. It was awesome, he says, we were strong and we had no fear. But the situation worsened.

Arriving in Amman he asked the supermarkets to give him a job. They gave him one and finally he got the offer to work in an environmental project that does fish research. He happily agreed and works there ever since. He loves that job alot. He did not even bother to attend a job interview with the refugee organisation of the UN he had been invited to.

And that might be a small, good sign. Because at home, in Daraa, he was studying veterinary medicine. His old life continues – at least a little bit.

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2 Comments on "At least some fish"

  1. Göran

    Hallo Rico,

    du reißt viele Stationen aus Azuz jüngere Vergangenheit an – leider scheint die Zeit für mehr gefehlt zu haben. Ansonst eine spannende Seite, schaue immer wieder gerne rein.

    Gruß Göran

    1. Rico Grimm

      Hey Göran! Ich hatte in der Tat nicht mehr Zeit, war alles etwas hektisch in Amman. Der Text beschreibt Azuz kurz, aber hoffentlich nicht verkürzt. Ein Schlaglicht sollte es sein, nicht mehr. Freue mich aber, dass du gerne hier herein schaust.

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