#SW 121

 In politics, as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword.

Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers No. 1

SW #116

To grasp what is happening, we must set aside a number of deep-rooted prejudices. The first of these is the assumption that democracy presupposes secularisation. The second is the idea that a democrat is, by definition, also a liberal. Historically, this has not been the case. The American Founding Fathers were not secularists; for them, the separation of church and state was a way of protecting religion from government, not the reverse. The French Third Republic was established in 1871 by a predo­minantly conservative, Catholic, monarchist parliament that had just crushed the Paris Commune.

Oliver Roy

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Warum wir auf den Nahostkonflikt starren

qalandia festival palestine bright screen viewers silhouettes media middle east shadow

Über Israels Koalitionsverhandlungen lesen wir alles, über die Millionen Tote im Kongo gar nichts. Der Nahostkonflikt ist die Obsession des Westens. Ein Erklärungsversuch. „Warum wir auf den Nahostkonflikt starren“ weiterlesen

SW #5

Everbody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.