SW #116

To grasp what is happening, we must set aside a number of deep-rooted prejudices. The first of these is the assumption that democracy presupposes secularisation. The second is the idea that a democrat is, by definition, also a liberal. Historically, this has not been the case. The American Founding Fathers were not secularists; for them, the separation of church and state was a way of protecting religion from government, not the reverse. The French Third Republic was established in 1871 by a predo­minantly conservative, Catholic, monarchist parliament that had just crushed the Paris Commune.

Oliver Roy

SW #115 – Tschick

Es riecht nach Blut und Kaffee.

Wolfgang Herrndorf, “Tschick”

SW #114

Know your true measurements and dress your mind accordingly.

J.D. Salinger

SW #113

Es gibt viele Büchsen der Pandora. Sie laufen rum, schreiben SMS und riechen dann auch noch so spannend.


SW #112

Die Zeit ist eine Maschine, die Leben zermahlt, das habe ich beim Schreiben dieses Buchs gelernt, aber hin und wieder gibt es auch Menschen, die die Zeit zermahlen.

David van Reybrouck, “Kongo”

SW #111

Muawiya personified ‘hilm’, the wisdom and patience of the Arab sheikh: “I apply not my sword when my lash suffices nor my lash when my tongue suffices. And even if but one hair is binding me to my fellow men, I don’t let it break. When they pull, I loosen, if they loosen I pull.

Simon Sebag Montefiore, “Jerusalem. The Biography”.

SW #110

Pictures don’t just speak a thousand words, they also speak a thousand languages.

Nick Bilton

SW #109

On Jubilee Street there was a girl named Bee

She had a history but she had no past

When they shut her down the Russians moved in

Now I’m too scared to even walk on past

She used to say all those good people down on Jubilee Street

They ought to practise what they preach

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, “Jubilee Street”

SW #108

Reisen – es macht dich zuerst sprachlos und verwandelt dich dann in einen Geschichten-Erzähler.

Ibn Batuta

SW #107

Kurz vor seiner Abreise lernte er den berühmten Georg Forster kennen, einen dünnen, hustenden Mann mit ungesunder Gesichtsfarbe. Er hatte mit Cook die Welt umrundet und mehr gesehen, als irgendein anderer Mensch aus Deutschland, jetzt war er eine Legende, sein Buch war weltbekannt, und er arbeitete als Bibliothekar in Mainz. Er erzählte von Drachen und lebenden Toten, von überaus höflichen Kannibalen und Tagen, an denen das Meer so klar war, das man meinte, über einen Abgrund zu schweben, von Stürmen, so heftig, dass man nicht zu beten wagte. Melancholie umgab ihn wie ein feiner Nebel. Er habe zu viel gesehen, sagte er. Eben davon handle das Gleichnis von Odysseus und den Sirenen. Es helfe nichts, sich an den Mast zu binden, auch als Davongekommener erhole man sich nicht von der Nähe des Fremden. Er finde kaum Schlaf mehr, die Erinnerungen seinen zu stark. Vor Kurzem habe er Nachricht bekommen, dass sein Kapitän, der große und dunkle Cook auf Hawaii gekocht und gegessen worden sei. Er rieb sich die Stirn und betrachtete die Schnallen seiner Schule. Gekocht und gegessen, wiederholte er.

Er wolle auch reisen, sagte Humboldt.

Foster nickte. Mancher wolle das. Und jeder bereue es später.


Weil man nie zurückkommen könne.

Daniel Kehlmann, “Die Vermessung der Welt”

SW #106

Flirting in German is a bit like bulldozers making love


SW #105

Man sagt, Kurden haben die schönsten Augen, weil ihr Sprache verboten ist und ihr Leben in ihren Augen zu lesen ist.

SW #104

War is primarily not about victory or defeat but about death and the infliction of death. It represents the total failure of the human spirit.

Robert Fisk “The Great War for Civilization”

SW #103

“There must never again be and there will never again be a November 1918 in Germany,” was his first political resolution after a great many political ponderings and speculations. It was the first specific objective the young private politician set himself and incidentally the only one he truly accomplished. There was certainly no November 1918 in the Second World War—neither a timely termination of a lost war nor a revolution. Hitler prevented both.

Let us be clear about what this “never again a November 1918” implied. It implied quite a lot. First of all the determination to make impossible any future revolution in a situation analogous to November 1918. Secondly—since otherwise the first point would be left in the air—the determination to bring about once more a similar situation. And this implied, thirdly, the resumption of the war that was lost or believed to be lost. Fourthly, the war had to be resumed on the basis of a domestic constitution in which there were no potentially revolutionary forces. From here it was not far to the fifth point, the abolition of all Left-wing parties, and indeed why not, while one was about it, of all parties. Since, however, one could not abolish the people behind the Left-wing parties, the workers, they would have to be politically won over to nationalism, and this implied, sixth, that one had to offer them socialism, or at least a kind of socialism, in fact National Socialism. Seventh, their former faith, Marxism, had to be uprooted and that meant—eighth—the physical annihilation of the Marxist politicians and intellectuals who, fortunately, included quite a lot of Jews so that—ninth, and Hitler’s oldest wish—one could also, at the same time, exterminate all the Jews.

Sebastian Haffner, “The Meaning of Hitler”

SW #102

Ideen, die die Welt entvölkern.

Saul Bellow, “Herzog”

SW #101

Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Everyday, I walk myself into a state of well-being & walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it. But by sitting still, & the more one sits still, the closer one comes to feeling ill. Thus if one just keeps on walking, everything will be all right.

Søren Kierkegaard

SW #100

In einem See von Blut und Schmerz, abgemagert vor Angst und dünn vor Verantwortung, war ich trotzdem auf seltsam ferne Art glücklich.

Ernst Augustin, SZ-Magazin, 1.3.2012

SW – Buzz Aldrin

SW #99

Wenn ich den Verstand verloren habe, soll’s mir auch recht sein, dachte Moses Herzog.

Saul Bellow, “Herzog”, erster Satz

SW #98

Power is a lot like real estate. It is all about location, location, location. The closer you are to the source the higher your property value.

„House of Cards“ S01 E01

SW #97

Unpassende Vergleiche sind schlimmer als Hitler.

Gerd Buurmann

SW #96

You have to make peace with your neighbours – not their government.

Guy I interviewed today

SW #95

A commander or an officer sees a camera and becomes a diplomat, calculating every rubber bullet, every step. It’s intolerable, we’re left utterly exposed. The cameras are our kryptonite.

An Israeli soldier serving in the West Bank

SW #94

Landscapes, in childhood’s dream, were so vast and silent. We looked backward through our memory for the prototype upon which all men had walked, between walls, toward such an open square as that in front where the road seems to end.

T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) describing Wadi Rum

SW #93

Greeting me sternly, [Lloyd George] remarked that complaints of me were reaching him from Jews and Arabs alike. I answered that this was all too probable, imagining for a moment from his tone that he was leading up to my resignation. “Well”, he said as we sat down, “If either side stops complaining, you’ll be dismissed.

Sir Ronald Storr, britischer Gouverneur von Jerusalem in den 1920er Jahren

SW #92

Ich bin doch nicht auf der Wurstsuppe hergeschwommen!

Mein alter Deutschlehrer

SW #91

Wenn Sie ein Gedicht suchen, werden Sie scheitern. Ein Gedicht muss zu Ihnen kommen.

Mein alter Deutschlehrer

SW #90

Three step guide to photography: 01: be interesting. 02: find interesting people. 03: find interesting places. Nothing about cameras.

Twitter / claytoncubitt (via claytoncubitt)

SW #89

Life is short, German words are long. Choose wisely.


SW #88

Once you retire from the service, you become a bit of a leftist.

Yaacov Peri, former chief of Shin Bet, the Israeli domestic secret service that is responsible for the Palestinian territories. Quote from the documentary “The Gatekeepers”. 

SW #87

Much writing today strikes me as deprecating, destructive, and angry. There are good reasons for anger, and I have nothing against anger. But I think some writers have lost their sense of proportion, their sense of humor, and their sense of appreciation. I am often mad, but I would hate to be nothing but mad: and I think I would lose what little value I may have as a writer if I were to refuse, as a matter of principle, to accept the warming rays of the sun, and to report them, whenever, and if ever, they happen to strike me.

E. B. White


Das ist der Titelsong aus dem israelischen Film „Fill the void“, berührend, wie ich finde. Sein Refrain stammt aus der Bibel:

Psalm 137:5: Vergesse ich dein, Jerusalem, so werde meiner Rechten vergessen!

Psalm 137:6: Meine Zunge müsse an meinem Gaumen kleben, wo ich dein nicht gedenke, wo ich nicht lasse Jerusalem meine höchste Freude sein.

„Wunderschön.“ weiterlesen

SW #86

If your government shuts down the internet, shut down your government.

SW #85

Ick seh dat so: Am Ende wird alles jut. Und wenn’s nich jut wird, is es noch nicht das Ende!

Andy, Neukölln in “Maria und Josef in Neukölln”, ZEIT, 19.12.2012

SW #84

Every hundred feet the world changes

Roberto Bolaño, 2666

SW #83

Thus spoke Zarathustra and left his cave, glowing and strong, like a morning sun that comes out of dark mountains.

Friedrich Nietzsche, from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, trans. Clancy Martin (with thanks to asthepoemsgo)

SW #82

G-Dawg splashes tax cuts like P Diddy with champagne but the banks miss out on the bling.

Headline in Financial Times

SW #81

Man kann morgens um fünf Uhr für das neueste Gerät [von Apple] anstehen. Man kann aber auch einen ganzen Tag lang vor dem Laden gegen unmenschliche Arbeitsverhältnisse protestieren.

Joachim Gauck, Bundespräsident der BRD

SW #80

If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.

Leonard Cohen

SW #79

News is something someone somewhere doesn’t want printed. Everything else is advertising.

Lord Northcliffe

SW #78

Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.

Laurence J. Peter

SW #77

All the players in the Middle East do [moral double bookkeeping]. They keep one set of moral books, which proclaim how righteous they are, to show the outside world, and one set of moral books, which proclaim how ruthless they are, to show each other.

Thomas Friedman, “From Beirut to Jerusalem”, Anchor Books 1990, p. 165

SW #76

I have never kept diaries. I just remember a lot and am more self-centered than most people.

Alice Munro. Writer. Canadian. Badass.  (via thessaly)

SW #75

Ich wünsche allen, jedem Einzelnen von euch einen Grund zur Empörung. Denn das ist kostbar

Stéphane Hessel

SW #74

In der Zeit vor dem Pillenknick waren Kinder noch kein kostbarer nachwachsender Rohstoff und kein Problem, sondern einfach nur da.

Peter Praschl, SZ Magazin, 4.3.2011

SW #73

Dass wir noch Nummern tauschten, nur Geste statt Genuss, und eine Kerbe mehr im Herzrahmen.

Markus Michalek, “Kapitalismus 2010”

SW #72

Aber die Berechtigung eines ehrlichen Mannes, die Zeit zu peitschen, darf nicht mit dicken Worten zunichte gemacht werden.

Kurt Tucholsky, “Was darf Satire?”

SW #71

Denn wir hatten mal einen, der nicht Schluss machen wollte mit sich, und schwor, lieber werde er uns alle mitnehmen, und schlug die Tür mit einem Donnerschlag hinter sich zu, da wackelte das Haus in allen Fugen. Das haben wir als Sorte gerade noch mal so überlebt. Wenn auch nur aus einem einzigen Grund: Er hatte die richtige Technik noch nicht

Werner Bräunig, “Rummelplatz”, S.89

SW #70

Tags, nach acht, wenn der Berufsverkehr die Straßen überspült, wenn die Straßenbahnen quietschen, würden die Menschen rüde. Nach acht würden sie ihre Ellenbogen ausfahren. Nach acht seien jene unterwegs, die noch keine Niederlagen kennen, sagt Hoffmann. Nach acht werde er wieder angerempelt.

Henning Sußebach

SW #69

She was born 1898 in a barn. She died on the 37th floor of a skyscraper. She was an astronaut.

Bert Cooper in Mad Men Season 4 Episode 9 ” The Beautiful Girls”